Volume of Learning….. Do we have to follow the AQF or can we deliver our courses in shorter timeframes?

One question that we are frequently asked is:

“Can our RTO deliver a qualification in a shorter time frame than what is listed in the AQF Volume of Learning?”

ASQA has clearly answered this question in their latest FAQs update:

“Each learner must gain and be assessed against all the knowledge and skills described in the training package or accredited course. Depending on the circumstances and the characteristics of your learners, it may be possible to achieve this in a shorter period than that described in the AQF….. [emaillocker id=6291]

Your RTO may structure a course to be completed in a shorter time period than that described in the AQF. In this case, you will need to clearly describe, using a rationale based on the previous skills and knowledge and the needs of learners, how a specific learner cohort:
• has the characteristics to achieve the required rigour and depth of training, and
• can meet all of the competency requirements in a shorter time frame.

Your description must take into account the need to allow learners to reflect on and absorb the knowledge, to practice the skills in different contexts and to learn to apply the skills and knowledge in the varied environments that the ‘real world’ offers before being assessed”.

The AQF Volume of Learning Explanation states that:

“Provider decisions about the duration of the delivery of a qualification must take into account the students’ likelihood of successfully achieving the learning outcomes and ensure that the integrity of the qualification outcomes is maintained. If the duration of delivery is substantially different from the volume of learning specified by the qualification type specification, providers should be able to provide pedagogical rationale to support the variation.”

What does this mean for your RTO?

Well firstly, as an organisation if you have determined the need or demand to deliver your training programs over a duration that is shorter than the AQF Volume of Learning, be sure to undertake some industry consultation that demonstrates support for the proposed duration of the training program. You should also make sure that your training and assessment strategy clearly explains how and why you have determined the need to deliver the training program in this way. In addition you should also document how your learners have the capacity and capability to achieve the requirements of the training program; and exactly how the learners will meet all of the competency requirements in a shorter time frame.

You really need to outline this in a way that makes the regulator confident that the training package requirements and the level of quality outlined in the Standards for RTOs will not be compromised by the shortened duration of your training program.

The team at AuditExpress often come across brilliant training programs that are delivered in durations that are shorter than those outlined in the AQF Volume of Learning. The key to both success and compliance is making sure that you have undertaken quality industry consultation for all of your training programs and that you maintain detailed and accurate training and assessment strategies.

For more information on Volume of Learning, check out ASQA’s User Guide for the New Standards for RTOs and the AQF Volume of Learning Explained.


Update on Victorian VET Funding – Tougher contract compliance and more regulation

Update on Victorian VET Funding – Tougher contract compliance and more regulation


Registered training organisations (RTOs) with Victorian VET Funding Contracts should brace themselves for the pending changes to the Victorian VET funding model.

Training providers that hold a current Victorian VET Funding Contract, (also referred to Victorian Training Guarantee or VTG) are expected to have new conditions imposed on them tomorrow (21/09/2015). The much tighter restrictions and contractual obligations are expected to be in-line with the recent Victorian VET Funding Review that was led by Bruce Mackenzie. Nineteen recommendations were made, all of which are expected to be fully implemented by the government. Other changes also include: [emaillocker id=6291]

  • Strengthening the department’s ability to conduct face-to-face reviews and investigate students’ complaints.
  • Launching an education campaign to help students make more informed choices about courses.
  • Lifting the quality of trainers and assessors by creating a list of approved providers.
The contract changes come at a significant time, with expressions of interest for RTOs wanting to obtain a Victorian government 2016 VET funding contract opening tomorrow (21/09/2015).
For the RTOs holding current funding contract, the time to comply and demonstrate best practice is now! With the (2015) funding contracts for about 174 RTOs will expire at the end of this year, and more than 400 other RTOs (2014-2016) 3-year funding contracts will expire at the end of 2016. Make no mistake, the Minister Steve Herbert has every intention of not renewing the contracts of sub-standard training providers.
If you require assistance with understanding and implementing changes to your RTOs Victorian VET Funding Contract please contact AuditExpress on 1300735541
AuditExpress is recruiting now! Are you a VET Sector Professional?

AuditExpress is recruiting now! Are you a VET Sector Professional?

Here at AuditExpress we have had a busy and successful 2015, and again it is time to grow our team.

We are on the look out for another Compliance Consultant / Internal Auditor superhero to work with us on some very exciting projects. If you are interested in working with the team at AuditExpress you can apply here >>>



Audit Express


Future Proofing Your Business | Presented by Audit Express and Circulus

Future Proofing Your Business | Presented by Audit Express and Circulus

Future Proofing Your Business [emaillocker id=6291]

Audit Express have partnered with Circulus Education to deliver the October VET Industry Drinks: Future Proofing Your Business

Future Proofing Your Business

Times are changing in the VET sector. We are facing a major shift in the overall structure, regulation and funding of the VET sector. Attend our event on the 14th of October to learn more about future proofing your business.

You can register to attend here >>>



Changes to VET Fee Help | RTOs to be banned from charging students for withdrawing before census.

The awaited changes to VET Fee Help are here.

The Australian reports that today Federal Training Minister Simon Birmingham will announce a crackdown on aggressive recruitment practices among RTOs.

From the 1st of July, training providers will be banned from fining or charging “administrative’’ fees for students who decide to withdraw from a course of study before the census date. Training providers will also be banned from marketing courses as “free’’ or “government-funded’’.

The Australian has quoted Senator Birmingham… [emaillocker id=6291]

  • “We want every incentive for training companies to enrol stud­ents for the purest of reasons,’’
  • “Some students are being enrolled for the wrong reasons: purely to access government-provided loans without providing quality training. Nobody should be taking out a VET Fee-Help loan for any reason other than undertaking high-quality training that will enhance­ their employment prospects.’’
  • Students must be told they will have to repay their loan in instalments once they earn $54,126 a year. “It’s a loan and there is every expectation it should be paid back during the course of your working life,’’

We applaud Senator Birmingham’s stance on the matter and the changes being made. This simple yet effective change is likely to clean up some of the worst practices that we have seen across the sector with VET Fee Help over the past few years.

The team at AuditExpress are forecasting a significant increase to the regulation and scheduling of audits of both VET Fee Help RTOs and those RTOs with State based funding contracts in the 2015/2016 financial year. The time to check your compliance is now.

You can read the full Australian article here >>>

You can read Senator Birmingham’s full press release here >>>



Getting ready for the ACPET #VICVETFORUM

Getting ready for the ACPET #VICVETFORUM

AuditExpress are proud sponsors of the ACPET #VICVETFORUM being held in Melbourne next Tuesday 9th June 2015. [emaillocker id=6291]

In preparation for the event be sure to get your Twitter & Instagram accounts ready. This is set to be a very interactive #VET forum that will involve a live stream for attending guests to interact and have their say throughout the day via their Twitter and Instagram accounts.


The following link is for the ACPET tweetbeam wall that will be used throughout the day for the events hashtag #VICVETFORUM.
All tweets and retweets will be populated here leading up to and on the day of the forum. This wall will be displayed live, allowing full interaction throughout the forum.

Be sure to include the #VICVETFORUM hashtag in your tweets and instagram posts about the forum and also tag:
Senator Simon Birmingham –  @birmo
ACPET – @ACPET_national

This is set to be an outstanding forum with the most impressive list of keynote speakers this year! We look forward to seeing you all there.
