by Matthew Dale | Jun 8, 2017 | ASQA, Audit Express, Best Practice, Community Colleges Australia, Funding Contract, Gayle Tierney MP, Karen Andrews, Karen Andrews MP, Melbourne, Minister, NCVER, Registered Training Organisation, Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, Student Satisfaction, VET Conference, VET Fee Help, VET Policy, VET Reform, Victorian Training Guarantee, VRQA

CCA 2017 Conference Community Education: Investing in our Future
Audit Express are proud to be sponsoring the 2017 Community Colleges Australia (CCA) Annual Conference, which is to be held in Melbourne on 25-27 July.
This years conference theme is ‘Community Education: Investing in our Future’ which recognises the importance that education plays in people’s lives. The CCA Annual Conference is the premier event for Australian adult and community education providers, and is always hosted at an impressive venue with a great line up of speakers. The 2017 conference will be held at the award-winning conference venue ‘Citadines on Bourke‘ and the Conference Opening function and Annual Awards Dinner with both be held at the ‘Hotel Windsor‘, one finest 5 star venues in Melbourne, “the world’s most liveable city”.
The Hon Karen Andrews MP, Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills will open this years conference, which has an impressive line-up of keynote speakers and presenters including: (just to name a few)
- The Hon Gayle Tierney MP, Minister for Training and Skills, Minister for Corrections
- Susan Pascoe AM, Commissioner, Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
- The Hon Michael Lavarch AO, Commissioner – Risk, Intelligence and Regulatory Support, Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)
- Professor Rodney Maddock, Monash Business School, and President, Economic Society of Australia, Victorian Branch
- Peter Noonan, Professor of Tertiary Education Policy, Mitchell Institute, Victoria University, Melbourne
- Lynn Glover, CEO (Director) Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority
- Kira Clarke, Lecturer in Education Policy, Centre for Vocational & Education Policy, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne
- Dr Laurie Chesley, Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, Grand Rapids Community College, Michigan USA
- Dr Roberta Teahen, Associate Provost & Director of the Doctorate in Community College Leadership, Ferris State University, Michigan USA
- Toni Cavallaro, Manager, National Collections Branch, National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)
- Dr Robbie Lloyd, Community Relationships Manager, Port Macquarie Community College
- Wendy Perry, Managing Director, Workforce BluePrint
- Kevin Ekendahl, our very own CEO of Audit Express, who is presenting on the Importance of Student Satisfaction in the Australian VET Sector
For more information read the 14 reasons why this year’s conference is a “must-attend” event.
Register for this years CCA conference before the 12th of June to receive an early bird discount, click here >>>

Community Colleges Australia

Audit Express
by Matthew Dale | Oct 27, 2016 | ASQA, Audit Express, Best Practice, Funding Contract, Michaelia Cash, VET Policy, Youth Jobs PaTH
The Turnbull Government will invest $840.3 million into a Youth Employment Package.
This is a great opportunity for quality RTOs to support young Australians get into employment, with a responsive funding model that is outcomes focussed; While at the same time strengthening their RTO business by diversifying the offering of training programs. Also by the spreading financial risk of their organisation by increasing the streams of income, and not relying on one stream of income from other initiatives such VET Fee Help / VET Student Loans or State Funding Contract arrangements such as Skills First, Smart & Skilled or Certificate 3 Guarantee. [emaillocker id=6291]
Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash launched the Youth Jobs PaTH programme yesterday, and also opened the tender process. Senator Cash said that “The Government is determined to prevent our young people from entering a life of welfare dependency. Giving young Australians the skills they need is crucial in helping them find their way into a rewarding working life.”
For more information about the Youth Jobs PaTH programme visit:
Or to apply go the AusTender page:
[/emaillocker] If your RTO is interested in applying for the Youth Jobs PaTH programme and wants to discuss the application process or if you require any support with the Youth Jobs PaTH, get in touch with the team at Audit Express.
by Matthew Dale | Jul 23, 2016 | Audit Express, Karen Andrews, Minister, Senator Simon Birmingham, Shadow Minister Kate Ellis, VET Fee Help, VET Policy, VET Reform
Labor have announced a reshuffle of their frontbench and in a bizarre move have split their Shadow Ministry by naming Kate Ellis as the Shadow Minister TAFE and Vocational Education and Training, and Senator Doug Cameron as the Shadow Minister for Skills and Apprenticeships.

Kate Ellis MP
Our new Shadow Minister for VET, (Kate) has come from a family of educators and small business owners, and her website overview would suggest that she is passionate about Education.

Senator Doug Cameron
Our new Shadow Minister for Skills and Apprenticeships (Doug) was born in Scotland, is married with two daughters and two grandchildren. [emaillocker id=”6291″] Doug was elected to the Senate in 2007 and has served as Shadow Minister for Human Services since 2013 (until this frontbench reshuffle). Prior to being preselected to run for the Senate, Doug previously served as the national secretary of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union.
Kate entered parliament in 2004 as the youngest woman ever elected to the House of Representatives, and became the Minister for Employment Participation and Early Childhood in 2010. In opposition, up until this reshuffle Kate has been the Shadow Minister for Education and the Shadow Minister for Early Childhood. Both Kate and Doug have historically supported and voted for both marriage equality and safe schools coalition which sounds promising.
Kate Ellis seems to be an active local MP and apparently mad fan of the Adelaide Crows… but we won’t hold that against her. Interestingly her husband David Penberthy, is news limited journalist and was former editor of both Sydney’s Daily Telegraph and Adelaide’s Sunday Mail. He is now a breakfast show host on Adelaide’s Nova FM.
The VET sector is in need of change, in particular with regard to VET Fee Help. Rather than playing political games we are calling on both Shadow Ministers Kate and Doug to work with our Education Minister, Senator Birmingham and his Assistant Minister, Karen Andrews to deliver some much needed VET reform and policy changes to improve the quality of the overall VET sector.
The team at Audit Express look forward to engaging with the new Shadow Minister for VET and the new Shadow Minister for Skills and Apprenticeships on both policy and reform. We wish you both well in your new positions. We would also like to thank the outgoing Shadow Minister Sharon Bird for her passion of VET and her dedication to the overall sector – Sharon you have left big shoes for Kate and Doug to fill!
To download the full Shadow Cabinet Overview click here. [/emaillocker]
by Matthew Dale | Jul 18, 2016 | ACPET, Karen Andrews MP, Minister, Registered Training Organisation, VET Policy
Prime Minister The Hon Malcolm Turnbull has formed government and announced his new ministry, which includes a number of new “Assistant Minister” roles (formerly known as Parliamentary Secretaries). [emaillocker id=6291]
The Hon Karen Andrews MP has been named as the new Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills.
The team at Audit Express congratulate Karen Andrews MP on her promotion as Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills. We look forward to working with the new Assistant Minister and her team on improving the quality of Vocational Education and Training in Australia.