
The 2023 Guide to RTO Re-Registration is coming soon – Pre-Order Now!

The re-registration process can be an overwhelming and challenging experience for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), with the likelihood of receiving a re-registration audit and the possibility of needing to submit a rectification response, due to being found non-compliant at audit.

We’re updating our Guide to RTO Re-registration to reflect the latest updates to RTO Standards.

This guide will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to prepare for re-registration. Our Guide to RTO Re-Registration unpacks and simplifies the re-registration process for all types of RTOs and explains the process of applying for RTO re-registration with all three VET Regulators, including:

  • Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)
  • Victorian Registration Qualifications Authority (VRQA)
  • Training Accreditation Council (TAC)

Our Guide to RTO Re-registration covers:

▶️ The fundamentals of RTO registration
▶️ What to expect from an RTO re-registration audit
▶️ Steps to prepare your RTO for re-registration
▶️ The most common areas of non-compliance
▶️ What to do if things don’t go to plan