Youth Jobs PaTH: $840 Million for the training and employment of young Australians
The Turnbull Government will invest $840.3 million into a Youth Employment Package.
This is a great opportunity for quality RTOs to support young Australians get into employment, with a responsive funding model that is outcomes focussed; While at the same time strengthening their RTO business by diversifying the offering of training programs. Also by the spreading financial risk of their organisation by increasing the streams of income, and not relying on one stream of income from other initiatives such VET Fee Help / VET Student Loans or State Funding Contract arrangements such as Skills First, Smart & Skilled or Certificate 3 Guarantee. [emaillocker id=6291]
Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash launched the Youth Jobs PaTH programme yesterday, and also opened the tender process. Senator Cash said that “The Government is determined to prevent our young people from entering a life of welfare dependency. Giving young Australians the skills they need is crucial in helping them find their way into a rewarding working life.”
For more information about the Youth Jobs PaTH programme visit:
Or to apply go the AusTender page:
[/emaillocker] If your RTO is interested in applying for the Youth Jobs PaTH programme and wants to discuss the application process or if you require any support with the Youth Jobs PaTH, get in touch with the team at Audit Express.