by Kevin Ekendhal | Apr 2, 2020 | Uncategorized
As the coronavirus pandemic is continuing to make its impact on our way of life, training providers are increasingly looking at ways they can continue to provide training and assessment services to their learners, but still being mindful that they must maintain the minimum standards.
As we’re all dealing with the disruption to our regular way of life, people are increasingly working from home and self-isolating. As such, training and learning is taking place away from traditional campuses and workplaces and now being delivered into people’s homes.
Registered Training Organisations, Higher Education Providers and schools now need to adapt their training and assessment strategies to continue providing learning opportunities for their students.
As businesses pivot their existing strategies and practices to adapt to these changes it is vitally important to continue to maintain the minimum standards with respect to the competency standards and curriculum. We must ensure that the adjustments made to the way we teach and assess does not compromise the integrity of the units of competency or curriculum.
In order to make these immediate changes, education providers need to ensure they are quick to apply these changes and maintain the minimum standards.
Audit Express provides the following tips for pivoting your business to adapt to the current crisis:
- Plan, not only for the worst-case but also for the unthinkable.
- What existing systems do you have that can be used for the current situation.
- Use the free tools available on the market.
- Don’t waste money on things you don’t need.
- Innovate for what you don’t have
- Maintain compliance – rapid changes shouldn’t mean you lower your standards.
- Be agile – use your time wisely
- Make fast and decisive decisions – but always be considered.
- Learn and teach how to work from home effectively
- Be safe and sanitise
As we make our agile, fast and decisive changes, we also need to ensure we keep records of what we do and why we did it. At this time, you should ensure you keep good records of what you’ve done to adjust your training and assessment strategies and practices and how you’ve ensured you support your learners during this time.
To make fast and decisive decisions, re-writing your training and assessment strategies seems like an unnecessary burden to quickly pivot your business to support your learners. Likewise, you’ll need to ensure you effectively communicate these changes to our trainers, assessors and education managers.
Audit Express has designed an example form and repository for you to use and amend and implement in your organisation to maintain records of the changes you’ve made to your training and assessment strategies and practices.
The vocational education and training regulators have also indicated that they are willing to work with registered training organisations to get through this difficult time. I encourage you to visit your respective regulator’s website for more information on how they can assist and to communicate your changes with them:
WA TAC:—COVID-19-impact-on-the-VET-sector-and-RTOs.aspx
This is an example of an online form you could use and adapt in your organisation to record the changes to your delivery and assessment strategies and practices. We highly recommend you amend and contextualise this document to meet the requirements of your organisation.
If you would like to get a copy of this online form, please email:
We are all in this together, and only together can we get through this incredibly difficult time. If you need any assistance, the team at Audit Express are available.
Take care.
by Kevin Ekendhal | Sep 7, 2016 | Best Practice, Compliance Consulting, Funding Contract, Skills First, Uncategorized, Victorian Funding Contract, Victorian Training Guarantee
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Skills First: The Essentials
The Victorian Government has opened expressions of interest for the new VET Funding Contract Skills First: Real training for real jobs. The application process for a funding contract in 2017 has changed significantly, and the Department requires a more comprehensive and detailed application.
Audit Express is running a number of informative webinars for Registered Training Organisations who wish to apply for the 2017 Skills First contract.
Our first webinar is on Friday 9th September 2016 and is free. It will cover the essentials about the Skills First application process and attendees will also receive a free factsheet to assist them with finding the right documents and information to assist in the application process.
Our website will also have the latest information and updates on the Skills First contract and we encourage you to visit our website regularly.
Should your organisation require any assistance with the applicaiton process, please do not hesitate to contact us directly on 1300 73 55 41 [/vc_column_text][/emaillocker][/vc_column][vc_column el_styling=”softshadow”][vc_column_text css_animation=”left-to-right”]
Skills First – Application Process: The Essentials
FREE – 30 Minutes
This webinar will briefly explore all the essential elements of what is required for the application process for the 2017 Victorian Skills First funding contract.
The 2017 Funding Contract for Victoria has introduced a range of changes to the application process and requires Registered Training Organisations to provide more information on the type of contract they want to apply for, the number of students they intend to commence, how they propose to deliver their training programs and who will be delivering the training for them.
After this short 30 minute FREE webinar, participants will also receive a free fact sheet on the essential elements of the application process, and where to start.
Friday, 9 September 2016 from 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM (AEST)
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Skills First – Application Process: Developing the Program Delivery Plan
Webinar – 1.5 Hours
The application process for the 2017 Skills First Contract in Victoria requires Registered Training Organisations to develop a Program Delivery Plan (PDP) and provide these details in the expression of interest.
Registered Training Organisations must ensure they provide clear and accurate details in the PDP which reflect quality provision of training and assessment which meet a number of criteria.
This webinar will go through the process of what information is required in the PDP, how to fill it out and take a best practice approach to designing Program Delivery Plans that accurately reflect your organisations Training and Assessment Strategies and practices.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM (AEST)
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Unpacking the Skills First Regional Jobs and Training Needs Reports
Webinar – 1 Hour
This webinar will explore the Jobs and Training Needs Reports which will provide vital information required in the application process for the Skills First expressions of interest.
Registered Training Organisations are required to demonstrate that they will be delivering training that meets industry skills needs and support government priorities. The Jobs and Training Needs Reports provide detailed information for each of the regions and this webinar will assist atendees with:
-Finding the right documents
-Understanding what data can be found
-How to apply the data in the application process
-Using the data to inform future business growth
Attendees will also receive a factsheet on the Jobs and Training Needs Reports.
Wednesday, 14 September 2016 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM (AEST)
by Kevin Ekendhal | Apr 20, 2014 | Uncategorized
The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) have released a series of YouTube clips to inform Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) about common non-compliances. Below is a short AQSA clip on the common non-compliances. [emaillocker id=6291]